Saturday, July 28, 2012

Great Grandma

Emma and Lauren are so lucky to have 5 grandparents still around.  Great Grandma just loves little Lauren

Bert and Ernie

Mommy has been searching for fun things to make with food for Emma to get her to eat healthy foods and try new things.  Today we made Bert and Ernie with bananas, raisins, oranges, cherries and a few marshmellow eyes.

Cooking Class

I signed Emma up for several park and rec classes, first we did candyland which she didn't like very much but then we did a kids cooking class, she had a blast.  Grandma and Grandpa came to help since mommy was still recovering.  She made smores, ants on a log, cheerio butterflies, english muffin pizza and sushi (made with rice crispies and fruit roll ups).  The park and rec people were very surpised that Emma had no idea what fruit roll ups or rice crispie treats were:), we missed the soccer skill class due to hail but in 2 weeks we have barnyard animals class, can't wait.

Cloud dough cupcakes

Emma and I had a blast making cloud dough cupcakes, we put the papers in the tins, filled the pans with cloud dough and added the decorations, today was Dora figures and heart sticks, then we put them in the "sun" oven to bake until ready to eat. 

Thursday, July 19, 2012

First Week with Mommy

Zen Baby
thanks for the cute shirt to match Emma's Uncle Matt

thinking hard about mommy

chilling with big sis

Love my toys, especially the mirrors

bundled up for my walk with mom - I look so little

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


Looks familiar Emma 1st picture then Lauren one of Ryan's favorites

Tummy time

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Licking the bowl clean

Emma and I made banana chocolate chip muffins this morning, the best part was letting her lick the spoon completely clean and bowl and mixers:)

My new jammies

My brother's girlfriend Monica bought Lauren these too cute jammies, matching hat and bunny.

Cute strawberry dress

Took a few pictures outside today in a sundress for our birth announcements

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Day of Firsts

Lauren took her first trip to the park today, she pretty much just hung out with mommy, we went to the big park, not such a good idea for mommy it was a little bit too far of a walk and Kristin was in a bit of pain getting back to the car - lesson learned.  We also went out for pizza, Emma won a free pizza at Happy Joe's as part of the summer reading program.  Lauren also took in her 1st princess movie with big sister Emma today - way too cute!

Friday, July 6, 2012

1st Bath at Home

Lauren got her first bath at home, she didn't like it very much at all just like Emma but was pretty cute all bundled in her towel after.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Time to go Home

Lauren and mom left the hospital on Thursday she got to wear her new strawberry outfit, it was a little big since she is such a peanut but a really great baby.  It was 98 degrees today in Appleton, super hot, hopefully it won't last long so she can play outside with big sister Emma.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Lauren with the Grandparents

Lauren got a chance to meet her grandparents while in the hospital.  Just like her sister, she's their pride and joy.

The Happy Parents

 A few pictures of Lauren with Mommy and Daddy.   We couldn't be prouder of the new addition to our family and can't wait to bring her home on Thursday.  She has been a great baby and a peaceful sleeper so let's hope she takes after Emma and continues being a good sleeper at home.

Big Sister Emma

All Emma has been able to talk about lately is being a big sister and with Lauren's arrival on July 2nd, Emma finally got her chance.   She was super excited and couldn't wait to hold her and she did a great job.  We're looking forward to Emma being a big helper.

Presenting Lauren Elizabeth Love McEneany

After another challenging delivery for Kristin, Lauren made her appearance at 6:45 pm on July 2, 2012, weighing in at 6 lb 14 oz and 19 1/2" long.  The picture doesn't do her red hair justice.