Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nov. 30

Emma was learning to meditate with mommy while playing with Kristin's yoga blocks. She also discovered the Santa hat - pretty darn cute!

Friday, November 26, 2010

Christmas #1

We celebrated Christmas and Thanksgiving with the Abeds (who will be on a Hawaiian cruise over Christmas) on Thursday. Emma made cookies with Ashley and loved opening her presents, especially the new princess tent for her room

Friday, November 12, 2010

Pajamas and Baking

Emma decided she wanted to wear 3 different pairs of pajamas, you'll notice the piggy footy pajamas under all the elmo and extra pants.
Inspired by my friend Wendy's regular cooking/baking with her girls, Emma and I made pumpkin bread, wasn't really prepared for emma to want to try to eat the tsp of baking soda (yuck), and shake a "Few" extra bits of spices, but she had a blast. She really liked having her own bowl of oats and apples to eat.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Bows Bows Everywhere

Emma wanted to put all of her bows in her hair at one time - pretty darn cute!