Saturday, April 30, 2011

Waterpark fun

We met our friends Tom Sheri Madeline and abigail at the Wilderness for 1 night of fun. Emma was terrified of the water until finally Saturday morning mommy coaxed her in the water. We could have had the same fun at a small pool in town but it was fun to meet our friends. We were not impressed with the hotel, it was really expensive, the room was super noisy you could hear everyone's conversation in the hallway but at least we tried and know not to go back to this park.

Video clip

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter from the McEneany family. Emma loved finding her Easter basket with books and Dora soap and a few pieces of candy. She got to look for eggs outside at Grandma and Grandpa's house.
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Saturday, April 16, 2011

Princess Emma

Emma got a box of princess dresses for her birthday. Ryan and I swore we would not raise a princess, look what happened and she's only 2. At least she just liked dressing up and wearing jewelry didn't really care or know what a princess was/is yet. She did look pretty cute, especially wearing the skirt as a dress.
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Friday, April 15, 2011

Play time

Posted by PicasaEmma was playing with markers, let just say it ended up all over her hands, face, and the highchair, good thing they are washable. We also took Emma to the big event for little kids, she was a little overwhelmed by all the people but had fun seeing live animals "the goal tried to eat my shoes and pants". Mom and Emma also had a book party with all her friends on one of our Fridays, we of course read Dora books.