Tuesday, December 21, 2010

December Part III

This ones for you grandma - Kristin was always called the "bag lady" when she was little, she took a big bag to grandma's everytime she visited, even though it was only 2 blocks away. The 2nd pic is Emma watching Frosty on TV, she decided she needed to be bundled up in boots, coat, hat, apron, and mittens to watch Frosty.

Friday, December 17, 2010

December 2010 Part II

We've had a busy month trying to incorporate art projects, obstacle courses, and much more into Emma's daily routine. She can now count to 15, sing Rudolph and Twinkle Star, knows all of her shapes including the challenging pentagon and octogan. We're now working on ABC's and much more of course. A few pics of our project fun, playing hide and seek with Mommy, she wants me to have the camera ready when she "unhides" herself and peeking through an empty wrapping paper roll. Ryan and I have been super sick for the past week both missing most of work, hopefully we'll be feeling better by Christmas.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

December 2010

We've had lots of fun this month so far, lots of art projects, Emma likes to glue, color, tear anything she can and stays focus for quite a while which was very helpful as Ryan traveled 18 of 30 days. We made lava and snow globes, a sensory catepillar, and had a picnic for dinner She also started wearing pigtails this month and played in the snow for the first time.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Fridays with Mommy

I've been trying hard to find creative activities for Emma and I do on Fridays, so I went online and found some great websites for toddler activities.
Today we made a Santa face with cotton balls, a gingerbread man with buttons and brown sugar and Marshmellow mountains with marshmellows and frosting.